101 exercices de saut d'obstacles ne (TECHNIQUE ÉQUESTRE)

101 exercices de saut d'obstacles ne (TECHNIQUE ÉQUESTRE)

B. inggris bantu jawab jangan ngasal kalau benar saya jadikan jawaban tercedas ya(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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yg pintar bahasa Inggris

Cinderella was a young woman living with her step mother and two step sisters. She worked as a servant for them and caters to their every need. She did all the cooking and cleaning, and is treated like a servant. The step sisters were very mean. When the Prince of the Village sent out invitations to a ball held in his honor to all the villagers, Cinderella begged to go but her step mother would not let her. The night of the ball arrived, and the sisters and mother laughed and left. Cinderella cried and wished she could attend also. At that moment her Fairy God Mother appeared and used her magic so that Cinderella could attend, giving her a dress, glass slippers, and turning a pumpkin into a carriage. She also informed Cinderella that this spell will only last to until midnight Cinderella went off onto the ball and while she was there she attracted quite a bit of attention especially from the Prince. The two danced all night, til Cinderella heard the clock chime. She remembered what her god mother said, and dashes off, leaving only a slipper behind. The Prince desperated to find this mystery woman had his assistant go to all the women of the village to find its owner. Just when all hope was gone the assistant tried the sipper on the step sisters and despite a hard effort the shoe did not fit. Cinderella then tried on the shoe and it fits perfectly shocking everyone, especially her step sisters and evil step mother. Cinderella married her Prince Charming and lived happily ever after​​​

bantu jawab jangan ngasal kalau benar saya jadikan jawaban tercedas ya(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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yg pintar bahasa Inggris

Cinderella was a young woman living with her step mother and two step sisters. She worked as a servant for them and caters to their every need. She did all the cooking and cleaning, and is treated like a servant. The step sisters were very mean. When the Prince of the Village sent out invitations to a ball held in his honor to all the villagers, Cinderella begged to go but her step mother would not let her. The night of the ball arrived, and the sisters and mother laughed and left. Cinderella cried and wished she could attend also. At that moment her Fairy God Mother appeared and used her magic so that Cinderella could attend, giving her a dress, glass slippers, and turning a pumpkin into a carriage. She also informed Cinderella that this spell will only last to until midnight Cinderella went off onto the ball and while she was there she attracted quite a bit of attention especially from the Prince. The two danced all night, til Cinderella heard the clock chime. She remembered what her god mother said, and dashes off, leaving only a slipper behind. The Prince desperated to find this mystery woman had his assistant go to all the women of the village to find its owner. Just when all hope was gone the assistant tried the sipper on the step sisters and despite a hard effort the shoe did not fit. Cinderella then tried on the shoe and it fits perfectly shocking everyone, especially her step sisters and evil step mother. Cinderella married her Prince Charming and lived happily ever after​​​


A. Permit

Sekian semoga bermanfaat


15. A. Permit


trik untuk mengerjakan soal ini bisa dibilang unik dan mudah kakak, kakak perlu mengartikan dulu kata katanya dan mencari kata yang mendekati~

kata 'her step mother would not let her' memiliki arti "Ibu nya tidak membiarkan dia-" nah dalam konteks ini kata yang kita cari ialah Let alias (lepaskan, biarkan atau setujui)

dari jawaban yang ada arti dari semuanya ialah

- Permit (izinkan)
- Go (pergi)
- Hang out (jalan jalan)
- Prohibit (larang)

yang mendekati kata lepaskan, biarkan dan setujui adalah izinkan jadi sinonim nya ialah Permit

Semoga membantu ya~
